God speaks to me all the time
He speaks to my heart; he drops impressions in my heart.
Sometimes I write those things down and work on them but
most times I ignore them and the reason is that I usually think those ideas and
impressions are mine.
I don’t know how God must have been feeling about those thoughts I
ignored but I have resolved to acknowledge everything He says to me. Its been
too long of my being confused, too long of not knowing what to do.
He told me this month would be like the first of months.
He told me whatever I do will prosper, emphasis on whatever.
He has delivered me from shame, self consciousness and fear.
He says I should seek Him as a priority and every other
thing will work out.
He told me to teach my children His word.
He told me what to pray about.
I took delivery of a new thing today.
God speaks and I say let it be unto me as You have spoken.
I want to encourage you, to trust, trust God that He hears
you prayer, and trust that all the sacrifice you are making matters. Trust that
he hears you when you are working and praying, when you are praying in the
bathroom or on the bus, or in your car while commuting to work. You need to
pray concerning those issues that come into your mind when you are quite. Receive
those ideas that float into your mind.
How else does God speak to you?