Thursday 19 December 2013

Change Girl

Change is simple and it starts from the inside. 
Why am i finding it hard to change inspite of all the knowledge i have garnered? A few reasons come to mind;

i.   I have a compelling reason to change but i keep forgetting it.

ii.  My spirit is weak and the power to change is really low. I like to indulge my flesh

iii. I am lazy( disposed to idleness).

iv. Double mindedness, now this is a serious one. I tend to change plans as frequently as I breath in and out an sincerely that is as crazy as it gets.

What shall I say to these things;

Sarah read your reasons everyday, keep them before your eyes stop forgetting, go back as often as necessary, you don't need motivation, just do it, you don't have to feel like it, set a schedule and go for it. Truth is nothing good comes easy.

Build your spirit, pray in tongues, read the word or listen to the word. Do whatever it takes. 

Set up a schedule, phlegmatics are disposed to idleness don't indulge in your weakness and see to it that you fight that tendency. Fight Girl!!!

Decide and move, dont be deceived by your emotions, emotions are not good guides at all. Get over the sensation and follow the plan.

So here I go again with surer steps.