Tuesday 9 September 2014

My 500 words day 1

Delayed gratification is the word.
it means doing what you have to do before doing what you want to do.
it means doing the hard stuff first before doing the easy ones.
I get excited when I do the things i have to do first. its exciting and refreshing. but its easier to do the fun things first like watch TV before praying. Snooze a little bit more before working out or playing one more round of solitaire before writing or responding to that tweet before reading.
I wish I chose to do the hard things firs more often, my life will be a whole lot different.
How do i apply delayed gratification now? I'm sure i can make a list of ten ways i can apply it but i wont, the only advise i will give my self is don't think about it just do it.
"Tick tick says the clock what you have to do do quick."
Yes that is all. Follow the promptings of your heart, that's what i did today, i could have waited till evening but i just decided t write. so pick up those clothes, check in on that child, apologize, go to plan B, cry, get up, wake up, just do it. All is well
Chai I have about 300 words to go
Another topic, how can i incorporate discipline in my kids, if i let them go wild and and free it would be hard for them to form habit of discipline when they grow up and that's not what i want for them so i have been thinking if i want to have disciplined children i have to be a disciplined parent. Discipline is not a destination its a journey. Other ideas i have been playing with is to involve them in planning their day. Help them make a to do list and choose their reward when they succeed. Make hard things fun. Make them accountability partners. Make a compulsory bedtime. make time for outdoor play. it looks like its going to be fun, well it is on paper but the actual doing is the hard part. We are actually of wheat flour this month and its going well next time we'll try going off sugar.
Hmm this 500 word thing aint that easy o.
My most recent project is Creating a food plan that will help my body reduce insulin or make my body not release too much insulin. i looked at paleo, its lovely but when they go on and on about cave men i get tired, i am not a cave woman. i think of other low carbs and they seem unrealistic for  an African like me. I'm thinking of a selection of foods that are low in sugar, full of fiber and good quality protein and fats. i can do this.Writing is liberating, i love reading things i have written especialy days later. writing clears my mind it makes me look at things differently. i'm sure i will be excited when i read this in a few days time. Ciao Everyone.